IRC nick(s):
Xenanthropy, Xenanthropy-mobi
Role in SMGL:
General Grimoire dev
late 20s
When did you first start using Linux and why?
Probably around 2010 or so - i've just always been interested in tinkering with
computers and thought i'd try other things than windows out, it was starting to
annoy me ;)
How long have you been using the SMGL distribution?
As my main OS? About 1.5 years now I wanna say
For my first time dabbling? I think about 3 years ago!
What piqued your interest in SMGL initially?
The magic theme, like most people i'm sure :) Plus i'd never tried a source-based
distribution before and was intrigued! (Or did I try Lunar first…)
What future do you personally see for SMGL?
I see it growing bigger! Better than the alternative.. We're too hardy to die :)
Tell us a little bit about yourself. Education/Career/Skills?
Well i'm Conner, from the midwest US… Have a deep love for vintage computers
as well as the Wonderswan handheld console, love obscure linux distros ( clearly ;) )
and tiny laptops (Long live the netbook!!!)
Ruby is my favorite programming language (as of 2023, watch this change..)
Excited to have a degree in software engineering in a few years!
Any personal messages for the Source Mage users out there?
Don't give up hope! Our numbers may be few, but we're strong!
What other OS programs/software have you worked on?
Nothing! Source Mage is my first contribution :)
vi or emacs?
Cinnamon :>)
SPL (Sorcerer Public License) ;)
Do you have any family?
(Yes, but none of my own thankfully)
What other hobbies?
Gaming mostly, and tinkering with old computers :)
What kind of car do you drive? Or what is your dream car?
A vehicle
Please attach a recent photograph of yourself – if you're brave enough ;=)
-Removed- People don't know how to behave :)